If you want to start a YouTube channel, there are a few things you need to know before you get started. If you don’t, your channel could suffer in the long run.

Choose Your Niche Carefully

Back in the early days of YouTube, the platform was like a vast, open playground for content creators. You could start a channel about anything and everything, exploring a wide array of topics. One day you might post a cooking tutorial, the next a travel vlog, followed by a tech review.

This eclectic approach was not only accepted but often celebrated. Creators enjoyed the freedom to experiment with different types of content, and viewers were drawn to the personal, almost diary-like nature of these channels. The focus was less on the subject matter and more on the creator’s personality and their day-to-day experiences.

That era is over.

Today, the platform and its audience have matured, leading to a shift in expectations and content strategy. The modern YouTube landscape is characterized by specialization and niche content.

Creators are now expected to choose a specific niche or area of expertise and consistently produce content within that realm. If you decide to switch your focus, you may experience a sudden drop in views and your channel could slowly start to die off.

This change is driven by several factors:

  • Audience Expectations: As the number of YouTube channels has exploded, viewers have become more selective. They often subscribe to channels based on specific interests or needs. For example, if someone is interested in learning about digital marketing, they’ll seek out channels that consistently provide content in that niche. Random topic shifts can be jarring and might lead to a loss of subscribers who came for a particular type of content.
  • Algorithm Advantages: YouTube’s algorithm favors channels with a clear focus. When a channel consistently produces content within a specific niche, YouTube better understands what the channel is about and whom to recommend the videos to. This leads to better visibility and growth opportunities within the platform.
  • Brand Partnerships and Monetization: For business owners and creators looking to monetize their channel, having a niche is crucial. Brands prefer to partner with channels that have a clearly defined audience, making niche channels more attractive for sponsorships and advertisements.
  • Expertise and Authority: Focusing on a niche allows creators to build expertise and authority in a particular subject. This is particularly important for small business owners who use YouTube as a marketing tool. By consistently providing valuable content in a specific area, you position your business as a knowledgeable and trustworthy entity in that field.

Before launching your YouTube channel, it’s essential to critically assess not only your chosen niche but also your ability to continually produce engaging content on this topic. If you run out of ideas or stop enjoying the subject, your channel will suffer.

Set a Sustainable Schedule

Consistency is one of the cornerstones of building a successful YouTube channel. Regular posting keeps your audience engaged and helps your channel gain traction in YouTube’s algorithm.

However, the challenge often lies in striking the right balance. You need to post often enough to keep your viewers engaged but not so often that you experience burnout.

Here’s how you can set a sustainable posting schedule:

  • Building Audience Expectations: Regular posting helps build a rhythm that your audience can expect and look forward to. When viewers know when to expect new content from you, it fosters a sense of anticipation and routine, enhancing viewer loyalty and engagement.
  • Algorithmic Benefits: YouTube’s algorithm favors channels that post regularly. By sticking to a consistent schedule, your videos are more likely to be promoted in YouTube’s recommendation system, increasing your visibility and potential to attract new subscribers.
  • Balancing Quality and Quantity: While frequent posting is beneficial, it shouldn’t compromise the quality of your content. High-quality videos that offer value are more likely to be shared, liked, and commented on. Finding a balance where you can consistently produce quality content is key. This might mean posting once a week instead of several times, depending on your capacity and the nature of your content.
  • Avoiding Burnout: Content creation, especially at a high quality, can be time-consuming and creatively demanding. Setting a schedule that is realistic for your lifestyle and work commitments is crucial to prevent burnout. Remember, a burnt-out creator cannot produce engaging content. If you burn out, your channel probably will too.
  • Planning and Flexibility: A sustainable schedule also allows for better planning and flexibility. With a set routine, you can plan your content creation process more effectively, from brainstorming and filming to editing and promoting. It also gives you the flexibility to adjust as needed, whether for unexpected life events or to take advantage of timely content opportunities.

For new channels, I recommend posting 3-5 videos at a once-per-day schedule so that YouTube can start to learn what your channel is about. After that, I recommend posting 1-3 long-form videos per week depending on your capacity.

Brace for Slow Growth

YouTube is not a get rich quick strategy. It takes time to build an audience and even longer to reach monetization. After all, you need about 4,000 hours of watch time before you can start profiting from ads.

Before you start your channel, you need to expect that growth will be slow. Don’t give into the temptation to buy views or entice your friends to watch your videos. These things can mess up the algorithm and stunt the long-term success of your channel.

You have to let your audience grow organically. After you publish your first few videos, YouTube will slowly learn what your channel is all about. It will start showing your video to people who are interested in your niche.

As long as you stay on topic, post consistently, and create high-quality helpful content, your channel will grow naturally over time.

Here are some tips that can help you accelerate that growth:

  • Define Your Target Audience: Clearly understand who your audience is and what they are interested in. Tailor your content to meet their needs and preferences.
  • Create High-Quality Thumbnails: Eye-catching thumbnails can significantly increase your click-through rate. They should be visually appealing and relevant to the video content.
  • Engage with Your Viewers: Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and encourage viewers to like and share your videos. This increases engagement and helps build a community.
  • Collaborate with Other Creators: Collaborating with other YouTubers can expose your channel to a broader audience. Choose collaborators who share a similar audience or niche.
  • Promote Your Videos on Other Platforms: Share your videos on social media, blogs, or websites. This can drive traffic from other sources to your YouTube channel. Just make sure that you’re promoting your videos to people who would normally be interested in your niche.
  • Stay Informed on Trends: Keep up with trends in your niche and on YouTube in general. This helps in creating relevant and timely content.
  • Experiment with Shorts. Short videos are a great way to grow subscribers but they don’t produce a lot of watch time.

I typically recommend that my clients refuse to tell anyone about their channel for at least six months so that the algorithm has time to work its magic.

Top Tier Takeaways

Starting a new YouTube channel is a great way to expand your hobby or grow your business. It can also be highly profitable if you do it correctly. Remember to choose your niche carefully, post consistently, and brace for slow but steady growth. It takes a while to create a successful channel but the rewards are worth it!

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